Ruoan voimaa Sauce Forumissa Helsingissä – Vanhan Ylioppilastalon lavalle nousee kansainvälisiä ruoka- ja ravintola-alojen tähtiä

Virosta Helsinkiin muuttaneen Sauce Forumin ohjelma alkaa olla on paketissa. Sauce kokoaa Vanhalle Ylioppilastalolle kattavan joukon ravintola- ja ruoka-alojen ammattilaisia, ravintoloitsijoita, kokkeja sekä alan mediaväkeä eri puolilta maailmaa.

Sauce Forumin teemana on Power of Food. Ruoan tulevaisuutta ja valtaa globaalissa taloudessa pohditaan muun muassa teknologian, raaka-aineiden ja trendien kautta. Vahvassa roolissa ovat myös kuluttajakäyttäytyminen ja kokemuksellisuus. Tapahtuma avaa samalla syksyn globaaleihin teemoihin keskittyvän kulinaarisen keskustelun Suomessa.

”Sauce ei ole mikä tahansa ruokatapahtuma tai keskustelufoorumi. Sauce on koko viikonlopun kestävä festivaali, joka tarjoaa pop up -ravintoloita, laadukkaita päivällisiä ja yhteisiä kokemuksia alan tekijöiden, asiantuntijoiden ja median kesken. Saucessa verkostoidutaan, pohditaan ruoan tulevaisuutta ja haetaan inspiraatioita”, kertoo tapahtuman pääjärjestäjä Pauliina Pirkola.

yhden viikonlopun Suomi ja Helsinki toimivat kansainvälisen gastronomisen keskustelun innoittajina.

Sauce Forumin tähtinä ovat muun muassa italialainen ruokakriitikko Andrea Petini, ruokakirjailija ja brändiasiantuija João Wengorovius Portugalista sekä amerikkalaiset leipäkeskustelun uudelle tasolle nostanut genetiikan tohtori Stephen S. Jones ja lukuisia arvokkaita palkintoja kerännyt kokki ja ravintoloitsija Edouardo Jordan.

”Tuomme Suomeen suuren joukon kansainvälistä mediaväkeä, jotka tutustuvat helsinkiläisiin ravintoloihin, meikäläisiin ruokiin ja juomiin sekä tapaavat paikallisia huippuosaajia. Heidän kautta ruokatarjontamme näkyy ja kuuluu ympäri maailman”, Pirkola lupaa.

Vuonna 2015 perustettu Sauce Forum on aiemmin järjestetty Virossa, josta tapahtuma on siirtynyt Helsinkiin. Sauce järjestetään viikonloppuna 1.-3. syyskuuta. Tapahtumapaikkoina ovat Ravintola Palace, Pursiseura NJK ja Vanha ylioppilastalo.

Tapahtuman järjestäjä Pauliina Pirkola kertoo, että itse foorumiin, sunnuntai-illan kansainväliselle dinnerille sekä maanantain viiden ruokalajin ja kuuden ginin Arctic Blue -päivälliselle Ultima-ravintolaan on paikkoja vielä jäljellä.

Kumppaneina tapahtumassa ovat Royal Ravintolat, Fredman Group, E. Ahlström Oy, Vaasan Oy ja Arctic Blue Gin. Tapahtumaliput ja kyselyt: www.sauceforum.com.

Sauce Forumin kansainväliset asiantuntijat esiintyjät

Andrea Petrini – Gelinaz

Andrea Petrini is one of the most influential food critics in the world. He had been working as the chairman of The World’s 50 Best for ten years before slamming the door, he actually thinks The 50 best is guilty of having messed up chefs’ minds. Read more…

Laura Jaspers – Hermann’s

Laura is co-founder of HERMANN’S. Laura is HERMANN’S’ head of people- she is community builder, translator, supporter and collaborator to both industry and innovators. Read more…

Joe Warwick

Joe Warwick, has worked on radio as a reporter for the BBC Radio 4 Food Programme, in print as a restaurant critic and magazine editor, and has suffered on TV as a judge on Celebrity Master Chef. Currently he is working on the launch of a new international restaurant award The World Restaurant Awards taking place on 18th February 2019. Read more…

Seni Glaister

In 2016 Seni founded WeFiFo, which is a multi-award winning Slinfold based start-up changing the way the world eats, one table at a time. Seni was a grand finalist in the National Business Awards 2017 for the Duke of York New Entrepreneur of the Year. Read more… 

Andrea Petrini. Laura Jaspers, Joe Warwick ja Seni Glaister.


João Wengorovius

João Wengorovius, a former CEO of the worldwide advertising network BBDO in London with more than 20 years working in advertising agencies decided to embark upon a journey across the globe to meet the greatest chefs of our time and see what unites them all and what makes each of them them special. Read more…

Rebecca Mackenzie – Canada Culinary Tourism Association

Rebecca loves Canada and local edibles and that her career enables her to explore Canada and the globe, connecting people across the agriculture and tourism industries to grow a “taste of place”. Read more…

Edouardo Jordan – Edouardo Jordan

Chef Jordan was nominated for a James Beard Award in 2016, has been named one of Food & Wine’s Best New Chef of 2016 and JuneBaby Restaurant Best New Restaurant for 2018, Salare was listed as a best new restaurant in America in 2016 by Eater National, Chef Jordan is a 2017 James Beard Award finalists, and received the prestigious 2018 James Beard Award winner for Best Chef Northwest and Best New Restaurant for JuneBaby Restaurant. Read more…

Stephen S. Jones – The Bread Lab

Stephen Jones is a wheat breeder and the Director of the WSU Bread Lab in Skagit Valley Washington. Stephen has a PhD in Genetics from the University of California at Davis and teaches graduate courses in advanced classical genetics and in the history and ethics of genetics. Read more…

João Wengorovius, Rebecca Mackenzie, Edouardo Jordan ja Stephen Jones.

Kamal Mouzawak – Souk El Tayeb

Kamal is working to protect the interests of local small farmers and producers in Lebanon, enabling them to sell their products directly at the market. After majoring in Graphic Design, Kamal followed the path of food and travel writing, Macrobiotic cooking teacher, healthy cooking TV chef and more that led to being a member of the Slow Food foundation for Biodiversity Board and after being named New Hero by Monocle Magazine. Read more…

Mohamad Orfali – Morfali

When Mohammad Orfali talks about food, his language doesn’t drip with buzzwords and unctuous descriptions. Instead, he references history, spirit, heart, respect – and progress. Curiosity, a deep sense of heritage and plenty of madness have pushed Chef Mohammed Orfali’s boundaries to cook with the kind of mediation that transforms food into art and evokes beautiful memories. He is also credited with hosting the Middle East’s very first Arabic gastronomy cooking show. Read more…

Dmitri Mägi – Eleven Madison Park

Dmitri Mägi has been with Eleven Madison Park since 2011, first as a line cook and working his way up to Chef de Cuisine. After two years working at Noma in Copenhagen he moved to New York and joined Chef Michael Anthony at Gramercy Tavern. Dmitri has been an integral member of Chef Daniel’s kitchen team at Eleven Madison Park, instrumental to the restaurant securing four stars from the New York Times, maintaining its three Michelin star status, and being named #1 restaurant in the world by the World’s 50 Best in 2017. Read more…

Maksut Aşkar – Neolokal

Maksut Aşkar is the chef owner of the restaurant ’Neolokal’ located in Salt Galata Museum in Istanbul. With modern takes on Anatolian Cuisine, Maksut Aşkar cooks deeply into the heart of guests who experiences ”Neolokal” with refined family cooking of not only Maksut’s childhood and emotions but also the root and traditions within this very geography, in which he believes is the real Anatolian Cuisine. Read more…

Kamal Mouzawak, Mohamad Orfali, Dnitri Mägi ja Maksut Askar.


Arlene Stein

Arlene Stein is the founder and Executive Director of Terroir Hospitality, which curates an annual Symposium in Toronto each spring which is a catalyst for creative collaboration and social and environmental responsibility in the hospitality industry. Since 2013, Arlene has worked to bring her programs across the globe, executing events in New York, Charleston, Berlin, Budapest and Warsaw. Read more…

Andu Westerholm – We Are Group

Anders “Andu” Westerholm is a rapper turned entrepreneur. He runs a Helsinki based hospitality company We Are Group with 9 restaurants & bars and more to come. We Are Group is also a partner in one of the most interesting wine & beer importing companies in the Nordics – Viinitie. Read more…

Arlene Stein ja Andu Westerholm.



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